SVISCOM-Lin Knowledge Base for SC2.mib
MIB descriptions:

2004: Controller selftest error

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: Controller selftest error.
Summary: The Server Management controller in cabinet %d of server %s failed.
Resolution: Note: This is no error condition.
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2005: Critical BIOS selftest error

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: A critical error happend while BIOS selftest. This error needs to be acknowledged to clear the error condition.
Summary: A critical error happend while BIOS selftest in cabinet %d of server %s. See server management message log (recovery log) for detailed information.
Resolution: See message log (recovery log) to get the error reason and fix the problem.
Press 'Acknowledge BIOS selftest status' in ServerView to get the
error condition cleared when the problem is fixed.
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2006: The system was restarted after a severe problem

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: The system was restarted after a severe problem. See server management message log (recovery log) for detailed information.
Summary: The system was restarted after a severe problem at cabinet %d of server %s. See server management message log (recovery log) for detailed information.
Resolution: See message log (recovery log) to get the error reason and fix the problem.
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2014: Fan failed

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: The indicated fan failed.
Summary: Fan '%s' failed in cabinet %d of server '%s'.
Resolution: Replace defect fan. Attention: Do not operate system with cover removed. Proper airflow will not be guaranteed!
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2022: Temperature critical

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: The temperature of the indicated sensor is out of tolerance range. The system will shut down and power off if shutdown is enabled.
Summary: Temperature at sensor '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s has reached the critical level.
Resolution: Check fan openings
Check fans
Reduce ambient temperature.
Let the system cool down before restart. Attention: Do not operate system with cover removed. Proper airflow will not be guaranteed!
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2033: Power supply critical

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: Power supply status has become critical.
Summary: Insufficient operating power supplies available in cabinet %d at server %s.
Resolution: Replace defective power supply.
Install additional power supply.
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2037: Critical temperature at power supply

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: Critical temperature in power supply.
Summary: Temperature at power supply '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s has reached the critical level.
Resolution: Replace defect power supply. Attention: Power supply redundancy is lost. To restore redundancy replace defect power supply as soon as possible!
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2039: Fan failure at power supply

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: Fan failure in power supply.
Summary: Fan failure at power supply '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s.
Resolution: Replace defect power supply. Attention: Power supply redundancy is lost. To restore redundancy replace defect power supply as soon as possible!
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2040: AC failed

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: Mains failed in the specified cabinet. This trap can only happen in storage extension cabinets without UPS or BBU. A server will not have time to send this trap.
Summary: AC failure in cabinet %d of server %s.
Resolution: Check line voltage / power supply of cabinet.
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2041: Power failed

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: DC power failed in the specified cabinet. This is the result of the system's power-good sensor monitoring. The system may stop when this condition occurs.
Summary: DC power failure in cabinet %d of server %s.
Resolution: Check power supply units; add additional power supply.
Replace power supply unit(s); check AC power.
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2042: AC failed - server is operating on battery

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: The server is operating on battery power - by UPS or backup battery unit (BBU).
Summary: AC failure. Cabinet %d at server %s is running on battery power. The remaining battery lifetime is approximately %d minutes.
Resolution: Check mains line voltage.
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2051: Voltage too low

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: Power supply voltage is too low.
Summary: Power supply voltage '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s is too low.
Resolution: Check mains line voltage.
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2052: Voltage too high

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: Power supply voltage is too high.
Summary: Power supply voltage '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s is too high.
Resolution: Check mains line voltage.
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2053: Voltage out of range

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: Power supply voltage is out of range.
Summary: Power supply voltage '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s is out of range.
Resolution: Check mains line voltage.
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2061: Uncorrectable memory error

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: An uncorrectable memory error at specified address was detected.
Summary: Uncorrectable memory error at address %d in cabinet %d of server %s.
Resolution: Try to locate defect memory module:
Go to window View / System Board / Memory Modules.
Replace defect memory module.
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2063: Uncorrectable memory error

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: An uncorrectable memory error at specified bank was detected.
Summary: Uncorrectable memory error at bank '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s.
Resolution: Try to locate defect memory module:
Go to window View / System Board / Memory Modules.
Replace defect memory module
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2065: Uncorrectable memory error

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: An uncorrectable memory error at specified module was detected.
Summary: Uncorrectable memory error at module '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s.
Resolution: Try to locate defect memory module:
Go to window View / System Board / Memory Modules.
Replace defect memory module.
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2067: Uncorrectable memory error

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: An uncorrectable memory error at unknown location was detected.
Summary: Uncorrectable memory error in cabinet %d of server %s.
Resolution: Try to locate defect memory module:
Go to window View / System Board / Memory Modules.
Replace defect memory module.
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2069: Memory module failing

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: A memory module is failing.
Summary: Memory module '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s is failing. Too many errors have occured.
Causes: A memory module is failing.
Resolution: Replace the failing module immediately!
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2113: PCI bus system/parity error

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: PCI bus system/parity error
Summary: A PCI bus system or parity error happened in cabinet %d on server %s.
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2132: Power limit status critical

Severity: CRITICAL
Description: Power consumption limit changed to critical status
Summary: Power limit status in cabinet %d of server '%s' has exceeded the critical threshold.
Resolution: Replace affected component, may be replaced by the customer!
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2001: Communication lost

Severity: MINOR
Description: The communication with management controller failed!
Summary: Communication with the Server Management controller in cabinet %d of server %s lost.
Resolution: Note: This is no error condition.
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2003: Controller selftest warning

Severity: MINOR
Description: Controller selftest warning.
Summary: The Server Management controller in cabinet %d has detected an minor problem during selftest of server %s.
Resolution: Note: This is no error condition.
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2013: Fan failure predicted

Severity: MAJOR
Description: The indicated fan became critical
Summary: Fan '%s' will fail in near future in cabinet %d of server %s.
Resolution: See message log (recovery log) to get the error reason and fix the problem.
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2015: Redundant fan failed

Severity: MAJOR
Description: The indicated redundant fan failed
Summary: The redundant fan '%s' failed in cabinet %d of server %s. System can become critical if another fan in this group fails.
Resolution: Replace defect fan. Attention: Do not operate system with cover removed. Proper airflow will not be guaranteed!
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2021: Temperature warning

Severity: MAJOR
Description: The temperature of the indicated sensor has reached the warning level.
Summary: Temperature at sensor '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s has reached the warning level.
Resolution: Check fan openings.
Check fans.
Reduce ambient temperature. Attention: Do not operate system with cover removed. Proper airflow will not be guaranteed!
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2024: Temperature sensor broken

Severity: MAJOR
Description: The indicated temperature sensor is broken.
Summary: Temperature sensor '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s is broken or not connected.
Resolution: Check connection or replace temperature sensor.
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2034: Power supply failed

Severity: MAJOR
Description: One hot-replace power supply failed.
Summary: Power supply '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s failed.
Resolution: Replace defect power supply. Attention: Power supply redundancy is lost. To restore redundancy replace defect power supply as soon as possible!
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2035: Redundant power supply failed

Severity: MAJOR
Description: One redundant hot-replace power supply failed
Summary: Redundant power supply '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s failed. System can become critical if another power supply fails.
Resolution: Replace defect power supply. Attention: Power supply redundancy is lost. To restore redundancy replace defect power supply as soon as possible!
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2036: Power supply redundancy lost

Severity: MINOR
Description: Power supply redundancy no longer available.
Summary: Power supply redundancy in cabinet %d at server %s lost. System will become critical if a power supply fails.
Resolution: Replace defect power supply. Attention: Power supply redundancy is lost. To restore redundancy replace defect power supply as soon as possible!
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2038: Fan failure prediction at power supply

Severity: MAJOR
Description: Fan failure prediction in power supply.
Summary: Fan failure is predicted at power supply '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s.
Resolution: Replace defect power supply. Attention: Power supply redundancy is lost. To restore redundancy replace defect power supply as soon as possible!
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2054: Battery failure predicted

Severity: MAJOR
Description: Battery is predicted to fail
Summary: Battery voltage '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s: Battery is predicted to fail in near future.
Resolution: Check mains line voltage.
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2068: Memory module prefailure

Severity: MAJOR
Description: A memory module is predicted to fail (prefailure).
Summary: Memory module failure is predicted for module '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s.
Causes: A memory module failure is predicted. Too many errors have occured implying that the module could fail in near future.
Resolution: Replace the failing module.
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2070: Memory module replaced

Severity: MAJOR
Description: A memory module had failed and was replaced by a hot-spare module.
Summary: Memory module '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s had failed and was replaced by a hot-spare module
Causes: A memory module had failed. So many errors had occured that its bank was taken out of service and replaced by a hot-spare bank.
Resolution: Replace the failed module immediately!
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2071: Memory error logging disabled

Severity: MINOR
Description: Too many correctable memory errors; logging disabled.
Summary: Too many correctable memory errors in cabinet %d at server %s. Error logging was disabled.
If logging was disabled and not automatically enabled again, you have to reboot your server to enable memory error logging again.\nIf logging is disabled, prefailure detection is also not active!
Resolution: ATTENTION! If logging was disabled and not automatically enabled again, you have
to reboot your server to enable memory error logging again.
If logging disabled, prefailure detection does not work!
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2072: Memory error logging enabled

Severity: MINOR
Description: Memory errors logging enabled again.
Summary: Error logging was enabled again in cabinet %d at server %s (after being disabled because of too many errors)
Resolution: Error logging was enabled again after being disabled because of too many errors.
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2073: Memory module replaced

Severity: MAJOR
Description: A memory module had failed and was replaced by a hot-spare module.
Summary: A memory module in cabinet %d of server %s had failed and was replaced by a hot-spare module
Causes: A memory module had failed. So many errors had occured that its bank was taken out of service and replaced by a hot-spare bank.
Resolution: Replace the failed module immediately!
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2074: Memory redundancy lost

Severity: MAJOR
Description: A memory error caused loss of memory redundancy
Summary: Memory configuration in cabinet %d of server %s has lost redundancy
Causes: A severe memory error occured. Memory redundancy is lost.
Resolution: Replace failing module as soon as possible to regain redundancy!
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2081: CPU prefailure

Severity: MAJOR
Description: A CPU is predicted to fail (prefailure).
Summary: CPU failure is predicted for CPU '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s.
Causes: A CPU failure is predicted. Too many errors have occured implying that the CPU could fail in near future.
Resolution: Replace the failing CPU.
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2082: CPU IERR

Severity: MAJOR
Description: A CPU internal error (IERR) occurred
Summary: Internal error (IERR) occurred on CPU '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s.
Causes: CPU internal error (IERR) occurred.
Resolution: Replace failing CPU if error occurs repeatedly.
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2083: CPU disabled

Severity: MAJOR
Description: A CPU is disabled by BIOS
Summary: CPU '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s is disabled.
Causes: CPU was disabled by BIOS after CPU Error occurred.
Resolution: Reenable CPU. If error persists, replace failing CPU.
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2095: Boot retry counter zero

Severity: MAJOR
Description: This trap will be sent when a boot retry counter gets zero on power up.
Summary: Boot retry counter is zero on server %s.
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2100: Message log full

Severity: MINOR
Description: The System Event Log (message log) is full. No more messages can be logged. This trap will not occur on wrap-around log types
Summary: The System Event Log on server %s in cabinet %d is full. No more messages can be logged! Please clear unneeded log entries as soon as possible!
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2101: Message log warning

Severity: MINOR
Description: The warning threshold for the number of System Event Log entries has been exceeded.
Summary: The System Event Log for cabinet %d at server %s has exceeded %d percent of its capacity.
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2102: Error in message log

Severity: MAJOR
Description: An error message was written into the systemboard's message log. This could have happened when an error occured before the server management agents were running or any error without a specific trap. See server management message log for detailed error description.
Summary: An error was recorded on server %s before the management agents were started (boot phase).
See server management message log (Recovery log) for detailed information.
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2110: Front door or housing opened

Severity: MAJOR
Description: The front door or housing was opened
Summary: The front door or housing of cabinet %d was opened on server %s.
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2112: Front door or housing opened/closed

Severity: MAJOR
Description: The front door or housing was opened or closed
Summary: The front door or housing of cabinet %d was opened or closed on server %s.
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2120: Customer self service warning

Severity: MAJOR
Description: Customer self service component changed to warning status
Summary: Warning status on component '%s' in cabinet %d of server '%s'. This component may be replaced by the customer.
Resolution: Replace affected component, may be replaced by the customer!
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2121: Customer self service fail

Severity: MAJOR
Description: Customer self service component changed to fail status
Summary: Fail status on component '%s' in cabinet %d of server '%s'. This component may be replaced by the customer.
Resolution: Replace affected component, may be replaced by the customer!
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2122: Customer self service warning

Severity: MAJOR
Description: Customer self service component changed to warning status
Summary: Warning status on component '%s' at server '%s'. This component may be replaced by the customer.
Resolution: Replace affected component, may be replaced by the customer!
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2123: Customer self service fail

Severity: MAJOR
Description: Customer self service component changed to fail status
Summary: Fail status on component '%s' at server '%s'. This component may be replaced by the customer.
Resolution: Replace affected component, may be replaced by the customer!
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2131: Power limit status warning

Severity: MAJOR
Description: Power consumption limit changed to warning status
Summary: Power limit status in cabinet %d of server '%s' has exceeded the warning threshold.
Resolution: Replace affected component, may be replaced by the customer!
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2151: Driver Monitoring warning event

Severity: MINOR
Description: Driver Monitoring detected a warning event.
Summary: Driver Monitoring warning event at server %s:
Resolution: Note: This is no error condition.
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2152: Driver Monitoring error event

Severity: MAJOR
Description: Driver Monitoring detected an error event.
Summary: Driver Monitoring error event at server %s:
Resolution: Note: This is no error condition.
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2000: Test trap

Description: Test trap to verify trap connection.
Summary: Test trap from server %s (no error).
Resolution: Note: This is no error condition.
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2002: Communication established

Description: The communication with the management controller was reestablished
Summary: Communication with the Server Management controller in cabinet %d of server %s established again.
Resolution: Note: This is no error condition.
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2010: Fan added

Description: The indicated hot-plug fan was inserted.
Summary: Fan '%s' was added into cabinet %d of server %s.
Resolution: See message log (recovery log) to get the error reason and fix the problem.
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2011: Fan removed

Description: The indicated hot-plug fan was removed.
Summary: Fan '%s' was removed from cabinet %d of server %s.
Resolution: See message log (recovery log) to get the error reason and fix the problem.
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2012: Fan OK

Description: The indicated fan is OK again.
Summary: Fan '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s is working again.
Resolution: See message log (recovery log) to get the error reason and fix the problem.
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2020: Temperature normal

Description: The temperature of the indicated sensor has decreased to the normal level.
Summary: Temperature at sensor '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s is within normal range.
Resolution: Replace defect fan. Attention: Do not operate system with cover removed. Proper airflow will not be guaranteed!
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2023: Temperature sensor OK

Description: The indicated broken temperature sensor is OK again.
Summary: Temperature sensor '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s is working again.
Resolution: Check fan openings
Check fans
Reduce ambient temperature.
Let the system cool down before restart. Attention: Do not operate system with cover removed. Proper airflow will not be guaranteed!
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2030: Power supply added

Description: One hot-replace power supply was added.
Summary: Power supply '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s was added.
Resolution: Check connection or replace temperature sensor.
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2031: Power supply removed

Description: One hot-replace power supply was removed
Summary: Power supply '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s was removed
Resolution: Check connection or replace temperature sensor.
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2032: Power supply OK

Description: Power supply is working again.
Summary: Power supply '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s is working again.
Resolution: Check connection or replace temperature sensor.
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2043: AC OK

Description: The mains voltage returned after a power failure.
Summary: Mains returned after power failure in cabinet %d at server %s.
Resolution: Check mains line voltage.
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2050: Voltage OK

Description: Power supply voltage is within normal range again.
Summary: Power supply voltage '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s is within normal range again.
Resolution: Check mains line voltage.
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2060: Correctable memory error

Description: A correctable memory error at specified address was detected.
Summary: Correctable memory error at address %d in cabinet %d of server %s.
Resolution: In case of a persistent error try to locate defect memory module:
Go to window View / System Board / Memory Modules.
Replace defect memory module.
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2062: Correctable memory error

Description: A correctable memory error at specified bank was detected.
Summary: Correctable memory error at bank '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s.
Resolution: In case of a persistent error try to locate defect memory module:
Go to window View / System Board / Memory Modules.
Replace defect memory module.
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2064: Correctable memory error

Description: A correctable memory error at specified module was detected.
Summary: Correctable memory error at module '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s.
Resolution: In case of a persistent error try to locate defect memory module:
Go to window View / System Board / Memory Modules.
Replace defect memory module.
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2066: Correctable memory error

Description: A correctable memory error at unknown location was detected.
Summary: Correctable memory error in cabinet %d of server %s.
Resolution: In case of a persistent error try to locate defect memory module:
Go to window View / System Board / Memory Modules.
Replace defect memory module.
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2080: CPU speed changed

Description: This trap will be sent if the CPU clock frequency was changed because of a temperature problem.
Summary: CPU speed at server %s changed to %d percent of its maximum speed.
Causes: A severe memory error occured. Memory redundancy is lost.
Resolution: Replace failing module as soon as possible to regain redundancy!
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2090: Cabinet switched off

Description: This trap will be sent when a cabinet is switched off. For obvious reasons it cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
Summary: Cabinet %d was switched off because of %s (server %s).
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2091: Cabinet switched on

Description: This trap will be sent when a cabinet is switched on.
Summary: Cabinet %d was switched on because of %s (server %s).
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2092: Scheduled power off time reached

Description: This trap is sent when the server is going to be switched off by schedule in some minutes.
Summary: The scheduled power-off time is reached in cabinet %d on server %s! System shutdown in %d minutes.
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2093: Server shutdown

Description: This trap will be sent when a server is being shut down.
Summary: The reason %s causes a shutdown at server %s.
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2094: Shutdown cancelled

Description: This trap will be sent if a pending server shutdown was cancelled by the user.
Summary: Shutdown at server %s cancelled by the user.
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2096: Server booted

Description: This trap will be sent when the server was booted
Summary: Server %s was booted.
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2097: Standby mode entered

Description: This trap will be sent when the server entered standby mode
Summary: Server %s entered standby mode.
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2098: Suspend mode entered

Description: This trap will be sent when the server entered suspend mode
Summary: Server %s entered suspend mode.
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2099: Resume from standby or suspend mode

Description: This trap will be sent when the server resumed from standby or suspend mode
Summary: Server %s resumed from standby or suspend mode.
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2111: Front door or housing closed

Description: The front door or housing was closed
Summary: The front door or housing of cabinet %d was closed on server %s.
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2114: Scheduled power on time reached

Description: This trap is sent when the server is going to be switched on by schedule in some minutes. It will be sent by the Remote Management Controller.
Summary: The scheduled power-on time is reached in cabinet %d on server %s! System will be powered on in %d minutes.
Resolution: Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off.
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2130: Power limit status ok

Description: Power consumption limit changed to Ok status
Summary: Power limit status in cabinet %d of server '%s' ok.
Resolution: Replace affected component, may be replaced by the customer!
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2133: Power limiting disabled

Description: Power consumption limiting disabled
Summary: Power limiting in cabinet %d of server '%s' disabled.
Resolution: Replace affected component, may be replaced by the customer!
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2140: VIOM communication initiation

Description: VIOM communication initiation request - VIOM manager action required. This trap is intended to signal the Virtual IO Manager that the iRMC wants to confirm the usage of the VIOM table. This trap may be repeated several times until the manager responds to the trap.
Summary: VIOM communication initiation request from server %s.
Resolution: Note: This is no error condition.
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2141: VIOM status changed

Description: VIOM status has changed - VIOM manager information. If the user or a server management component deactivates VIOM, the iRMC will send a VIOM status trap. This trap will not be sent if VIOM was activated, because no user interface except the Virtual IO Manager shall be capable to enable VIOM.
Summary: VIOM status has changed on server %s.
Resolution: Note: This is no error condition.
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2150: Driver Monitoring information event

Description: Driver Monitoring detected an informational event.
Summary: Driver Monitoring information event at server %s:
Resolution: Note: This is no error condition.
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